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The the goal of this project is to put the ecological cycles and rhythms of the natural landscapes and soundscapes of Washington State's coastal forests and Alberta's grasslands into creative and spontaneous dialogue with one another in the context of a large scale interactive sound installation. Visitors to the installation will explore specially constructued intimate and large open spaces that evoke a natural landscape: not of broad horizions and vistas, but of the smaller, successive, local environments that one would realistically experience on a human scale when moving through the natural landscape. Soundscapes derived from field recordings in Washington's forests and Alberta's grasslands serve as the foundational sound world for visitors as they move through the installation. As they move, their motions, tracked by sensors, register in a software program and, through statistical variation analysis and begin to change the soundscape: moving from layers of natural sounds and cylces (rain, frogs, birds, wind, etc) to increasing abstrated versions of the origional; carefully reconstructued using found object sound that imitates the natural sound.

As a day in the installation progresses, the accumulating data collected from motion sensors within the installation also creates an 'evolutionary' global change in sound worlds within the sculputre: beginning with soundscapes of grasslands and forests existing as separate ecosystems within the different spaces within the installation and moving toward soundscapes of forests and grasslands mixing and moving into dialogue with one another throughout the spaces within the installation. At the end of the day, the system resets, beginning again the next morning with forest and grassland ecosystems as separate, self-contained soundscapes once again.


This project was concieved of in a natural environment of Wyoming's mountain and grassland landscapes during a Brush Creek Foundation artist residency, when both Jeff Roberts and Roger Feldman, working on their separate projects with similar dynamics 'discovered' each other's works and the strong resonance that existed between their work. 


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